Monday, November 7, 2011

rough draft

Jose Naveja
Mrs. Jeager (section 6)
November 3,2011
Fun fact, there are more than 1 billion people living in slums today! Slums are a small community just squeezed together to make a lot of people live in a small place. Slums help us people in many, many ways.
Slums help us in many ways like for example, by shoving a lot of people living in a small area so it makes it prevents over population. “We are now in Kalberia the biggest slum in Kenya.” This quote show that there are some big slums in different places! Do you know how many people can live in slums?
Most people live in slums. In Google it is proven that 1 out of 7 people live in slums and if you didn’t know that is A LOT… That is a lot. There are in fact there are 1 BILLION people that live in slums! How do you think it will be to live in a slum ?
How is it to be in a slum? Musanga says that it is pretty bad site so I don’t think it will be very nice. It also has sewage going right threw the city. I think that is pretty nasty. Although so many people live in slums still doesn’t mean they have money. Slums are poor and they drink unpurified water so that is not so good.
There are more than 1 billion people living in slums. Slums are not the prettiest site. They have bad water that they drink but it is pretty bad and can get them sick. Living in a slum is pretty ugly. That is why people should appreciate what we have and value it.

introductory paragraph

 Slums help us in many ways like for example, by shoving a lot of people living in a small area so it makes it it prevent over population"we are now in Kalberia the biggest slum in kenya." this quote shows that there are some big slums in different places! do you know how many people can live in slums?